Welcoming us with open arms, the entire town of São Pedro da Aldeia came to skate with us. Together, we hosted an event that brought the community even closer. Street skaters destroyed the skatepark, longboarders strutted in the street, artists painted murals and dancers battled to the music. We wrapped up the contests and gathered around for the premiere of a new longboard film, then jammed out to the band blaring classic rock as the sun went down.
Big thank you to the town of São Pedro da Aldeia for bringing everyone together and making such an incredible event for us all to remember.
Special thank you to Pousada Sentinelas do Mar for hosting us like kings and sharing the paradise on top of the hills overlooking the sea in Arraial Do Cabo.
Film/Edit: Camilo Cespedes
Music: Boogarins - "Falsa Folha De Rosto"