Magical lagoons. | p: Vickers
Shaken awake by the turbulence, I can hear the plane’s wheels touch down and immediately I know that we’ve made it to Lima, Peru. It was a quarter until six p.m. local time and we had one mission that night: rent a car and drive nine hours into the Peruvian unknown.
We get on the road and started our journey north towards the mountains. Driving in Lima traffic is no easy feat, so we were really looking forward to getting far north out of the city’s boundaries. After many coffees, snickers, and gummy worms we were finally working our way into the mountainous terrain.
Our destination was the Huascarán National Park - part of the Cordillera Blanca and the highest tropical mountain range in the world. This weekend was the Yaku Raymi World Cup race as part of the International Downhill Federation tour.