Brazilian Flavors pt. 2 – In The Streets

After spending an incredible week in Arraial do Cabo and Cabo Frio, the crew headed onto São Paulo. Being the largest city in Brazil we were all excited to hit the streets with the local crew there.
The first morning after we arrived I took the boys up the mountain near my house to have a solid breakfast at one of my favorite local spots. The morning was cold, but the hot Brazilian coffee kept us warm and perked us rightup.
On the way back and with caffeine in our veins, we convinced Camilo to skate the hill! He didn’t need much convincing and quickly told us to pull over so he could get out. With a light drizzle coming down, it was crazy following him down the slippery open road.
Renan - Camilo, what was up with that hill? Did you have fun or where you just showing off for all of us in the car?
Camillo Cespedes- Haha of course man! Everything I do is to please other people. Just kidding. But you know how it goes, I usually get out of the car when there’s a potential fun hill ahead. This wasn’t the case though. It looked like it would be fun but it was wet and weird in places. Cars were especially unpredictable. Or maybe I was just tired and wasn’t on my game.

After breakfast we stopped by my little workshop to show the guys a bit of my work,ProjetoRL. It’s a project I’ve been working on for a long time which I transform old skateboards into new products.
We talked about my story and I showed them a bit of my process. It was really cool sharing some of my life beyond the skateboard.
Take a look for yourself at

The next day we headed downtown and met up with Brenno Brelvis.
We showed to the guys the best skate shops in the area like: Old is Cool, Oxi skateboards and Secret Spot. And I got lucky at every shop scoring stacks of old skateboards to transform into new creations!

We hosted a Hit the Streets of São Paulo event (check it out here) and needless to say it was a blast! We cruised all over the city skating or taking the metro from one spot to the next. Finally we ended the tour at Ibirapuera Park where we had a contest. Luke Arcinno won, skating like a machine and landing every trick super smooth and clean!

Luke, what was it like winning the HTS contest and joining the Paris Trucks Team?Luke Arcinno- Hit the Streets was one of the best events I’ve ever participated in! The energy was amazing. It was super fun and opened my mind to new ways longboarding can be done.
I’ve always followed Paris Truck Co. and I had dreamt of one day becoming a part of the team. When Ryan invited me I thought he was kidding. I rspanspanber that night it took a long time to fall asleep because of everything that happened that day. It’s a pleasure to be a part of this team with you (Renan),Brenno Brelvis,Abou Seck,Achel MachinandCassandre Lspanoine, and so many more amazing riders I admire on the team.

Ryan, after expending all your energy to make this trip happen, how was it to see and meet all the people in the Brazilian longboard community?
Ryan Ricker - It’s always a lot of work planning trips like this but when it all comes together, there is nothing else that compares! Two of my favorite things are getting to see different longboard communities and exploring new cities and spots with local riders. The Hit the Streets events are my favorite because it’s a win win, meeting new people and skating new places.

Having the Paris Trucks Team in Brazil was like pouring gasoline on a fire because now everyone is even more excited to be a part of the longboarding the every growing longboarding community in Brazil. It really showed what Paris trucks represents: family, fun, and unity!
Get a front row seat and watch it all inPARIS IN BRAZIL!
Special thanks toGabriel Klein,TchellofromLong4lifeandLuciano Almeida for joining in on the action and all the help making it all happen!
Until next time...